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Online Forms | Eye care services College Station TX
Precision Eye Care

Online Forms

Your time is valuable.  Expedite your exam by completing the following five steps:

Step 1: Schedule Your Exam

This is the first step for glasses, contact lens, and medical office visits.  For vision therapy evaluations, we will need you to complete the medical history first, so we can determine the most appropriate type of assessment based upon your symptoms.

Step 2: Submit Your Insurance Information

After you schedule your exam online, a new screen will open with a link to an insurance form.  Please complete and submit that form.  If you scheduled over the phone, our receptionist has already collected your insurance information.

Step 3: Complete Your Medical History

Complete/update your medical history by following the following instructions:

New Patients
  • Leave the records search area blank.
  • If you need a routine exam, click SEARCH RECORDS. 
  • If you need a vision therapy evaluation, click VISION THERAPY.
Established Patients
  • Enter your email address in the records search area. 
  • If you need a routine exam, click SEARCH RECORDS. 
  • If you need a vision therapy evaluation, click VISION THERAPY. 
Special Notes
  1. Entering your email address and searching for records will load the information we already have on file for you so that all you need to do is make changes.  If you’re an established patient, but you either don’t enter your email address or we don’t have one on file, we can merge the information you provide with the records we have on file, but you’ll be entering information from scratch.
  2. If entering your email address does not pull your contact information, click on the CHAT WITH US! button and ask us to re-upload your chart.  We automatically upload your chart 24 hours after you’ve made your appointment, but we can upload it sooner if requested.
  3. Vision therapy patients, you can ignore PAST OCULAR HISTORY and PAST MEDICAL HISTORY sections.  Those questions are incorporated into the vision therapy questionnaire.
  4. Vision therapy patients, please use the ADULT VT HISTORY tab if you are aged 18 or older; otherwise, use the PEDIATRIC VT HISTORY tab.

Step 4: Download Policy Forms

Please download, sign, and bring the completed policies form with you to your appointment or fax them to 979-985-5305.  You will need AdobeReader® to download and complete the forms.  Choose from one of the below exam types:

Step 5: Grant Medical Record Access

If you wish to grant others access to your medical records, or if you’d like us to request medical records from your previous eye doctor, please download, complete the following forms, and bring them with you to your appointment or fax them to 979-985-5305..  You will need AdobeReader® to download and complete the forms.

Hours & Location

Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
eye glasses College Station TX, eye glasses near me, eye exam, vision exam, eye care, optometrist, contact lenses, contacts, colored contacts, eye exam, vision therapy, vision disorders, eye turns, lazy eye, strabismus, dry eye, itchy eyes, fashion optical, basically anything related to eye and vision care

Learn what we are doing to protect you from COVID-19.

eye glasses College Station TX, eye glasses near me, eye exam, vision exam, eye care, optometrist, contact lenses, contacts, colored contacts, eye exam, vision therapy, vision disorders, eye turns, lazy eye, strabismus, dry eye, itchy eyes, fashion optical, basically anything related to eye and vision care

Learn what we are doing to protect you from COVID-19.